- Never trust to fine words. 切勿轻信漂亮话。
- Never trust to fine word. 花言巧语信不得。
- The Delawares never trust to broken branches, unless it is in friendly times. 特拉华人就决不相信折断的树枝,除非是在和平时期。
- Never put your trust to a stranger. 绝不要相信陌生人。
- The slogan "Unity in good faith to meet the national crisis" must not be limited to fine words but must be demonstrated in fine deeds. “精诚团结,共赴国难”这个口号,不应该只是讲得好听,还应该做得好看。
- Never trust a man who (that) breaks his word easily. 不要信任一个常常食言的人。
- Never trust much to a new friend,or an old enemy. 新友宿敌勿轻信。
- In some things you must trust to your elders. 有些事,你得信赖你的长者。
- Never trust much to a new friend, or an old enemy. 新友宿敌勿轻信。
- You trust to your memory too much. 你过于信赖你的记忆力了。
- Never trust of fine words 切勿轻信漂亮的言词
- Never trust a man who that breaks his word easily. 不要信任一个常常食言的人。
- We trust to receive a cheque at your earliest convenience. 我们希望早日收到你的支票。
- That lowbrow prefers pornography to fine art. 那格调低的人喜欢黄色书刊胜于艺术。
- Let that be a lesson to you. Never trust anyone who offers you something for nothing. 记住前车之鉴,决不相信那些无缘无故给予你帮助的人。
- At such times you have to trust to instinct. 在这种情况下就只能凭直觉办事了。
- If you break your word he will never trust you again. 如果你不守信,他决不会再相信你。
- All their fine words are nothing but humbug. 他们的一切花言巧语都是骗人的。
- It is better to trust to valor than to luck. 靠运气不如靠勇气。
- Never trust a friend who deserts you at a pinch. 千万不要相信在危急时刻离你而去的朋友。